●关于主办単位-about The Organizer
中国纺织品商业协会(CHINA TEXTILE COMMERCE ASSOCIATION),是在国务院国有资产监督管理委员会指导下,经民政部批准成立的,具有社团法人资格的非营利性质的全国性行业组织。
●关于展会I about The Exhibition
China International Occupational Safety & Health Goods Expo (CIOSH) is a national trade exhibition held every spring and autumn by the associationsince 1966. In spring, it willl be fixedly held in Shanghai; in autumn it will be a national tour. Now, the exhibition space here are over 70,000 square meters,with more than 1,500 exhibitors and 25,00O professional visitors.
●关于劳动防护用品-about The Occupational Safety & Health Goods
保护劳动者的生命安全和职业健康是安全生产Zui根本、Zui深刻的内涵,是安全生产本质的核心。在生产过程中,必须坚持“以人为本”的原则。在生产与安全的关系中,-切以安全为重,安全必须排在第一位。 劳动保护用品(又称"个体防护用品"、国际简称“PPE”)是指劳动者在生产过程中为免遭或减轻事故伤害或职业危害的所配备的一种防护性装备,通过采取阻隔、封闭、吸收、分散、悬浮等措施,能起到保护机体的局部或全部免受外来侵害的作用,在一定条件下,使用个体防护用品是主要的防护措施。PPE产品分为一般劳动防护用品和特种劳动防护用品。
Protecting workers life safety and occupational health is the most fundamental and profound connotation of safe production, and also the core of thesafe production essence. In the production process, the "people oriented" principle must be adhered to. In the relationship between production andsafety, everything is safetyoriented, and safety must be ranked first. The occupational safety & health goods (also known as "personal protective
equipment", the international abbreviation "PPE") refers to a protective equipment provided by workers in order to avoid or mitigate accidental injuries oroccupational hazards in the production process. Through the measures of obstructing, sealing, absorbing, dispersing and suspending, it can protect thepart or all of the body from external aggression. Under certain conditions, the use of personal protective equipment is the main protective measure. PPEproducts are divided into general labor protection products and special labor protection products。
●关于展品类别/ about Exhibit Categories
head protection, face protection, eye protection, hearing protection, respiratory protection, hand protection, foot protection, body protection, high altitudesafety protection, inspection equipment, safety warnings and related protective equipment, product certification,safety training, etc.
2019年上海劳保展劳保用品展劳动防护用品产业的建立与发展,是随着我国制度的建立后和工农业的发展而建立与发展起来的。新中国建立后,和政府高度重视劳动防护用品产业的发展,改革开放推动了中国劳防用品产业的全面发展。 本届“劳保会”开启展位布局全面升级,采取按展品类别分馆的模式,将展厅规划为W1身躯防护用品馆;E1全系列及配套安防用品馆;E2头部及呼吸防护用品馆;E3-E5手部足部防护用品馆。深受欢迎与关注的“论坛活动区”与“产品演示区”也将巧妙的设置在其间,皆在为展商和观众打造更加便捷、更加高效、更加集中的会期体验。
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